Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Gdje ste nestale? 

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Stize ljetoooooo
je da ima jos par mjeseci do ljeta al treba se veselit sitnicama 

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- laura
- levo smetalo
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Ona se ceri u 7 i 10 ujutroAryanim wrote:Stize ljetooooooje da ima jos par mjeseci do ljeta al treba se veselit sitnicama

40 godina života je starost za mlade, a 50 godina života je mladost za stare. (Victor Hugo)
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
A u 6:30 mogu isto?laura wrote:Ona se ceri u 7 i 10 ujutroAryanim wrote:Stize ljetooooooje da ima jos par mjeseci do ljeta al treba se veselit sitnicama

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- laura
- levo smetalo
- Posts: 11687
- Joined: 08 Aug 2010, 22:50
- Location: otišla iz dalmacije
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Može sve dok mene ne uvlačiš u toAryanim wrote:
A u 6:30 mogu isto?

40 godina života je starost za mlade, a 50 godina života je mladost za stare. (Victor Hugo)
- Afrodita
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Koliko sam nenormalna
- Jelena-E
- Cuisine ala Jela
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Djole prolece 

- Arizona
- penzionerka
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Planirala sam putovanje i sve sredila...i onda mi mi zivot isplanira drugo putovanje. Ma samo neka se putuje. 

- Arizona
- penzionerka
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
My silver lining...so grateful.
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Ne volim kad me se usporeduje a opet imam osjecaj da me se usporeduje
"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- Lea
- penzionerka
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Da nije one moje sefice, davno bi odustala od ovog posla. Zena je jedna od milijun: dobra, pozitivna, draga, super razumna, sve naj. 

Michelangelo Buonarroti "Kad pripadam tebi, tad konačno potpuno pripadam i samome sebi."
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Nekad se samo hocu pozalit npr. Na zet, i samo da se neko slozi samnom i to je to 

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- Arizona
- penzionerka
- Posts: 1088
- Joined: 07 Sep 2013, 02:27
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Slazem seAryanim wrote:Nekad se samo hocu pozalit npr. Na zet, i samo da se neko slozi samnom i to je to

- Mrs Dalloway
- penzionerka
- Posts: 1534
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Moram biti smirena i sabrana na poslu, inače će me progutati aždaje 

- laura
- levo smetalo
- Posts: 11687
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- Location: otišla iz dalmacije
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Klin se klinom izbijaMrs Dalloway wrote:Moram biti smirena i sabrana na poslu, inače će me progutati aždaje

40 godina života je starost za mlade, a 50 godina života je mladost za stare. (Victor Hugo)
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Ocito sam nesposobna i nis neznam i neznam nis napravit 

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- Mrs Dalloway
- penzionerka
- Posts: 1534
- Joined: 08 Dec 2012, 00:01
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Nije ti loša idejalaura wrote:Klin se klinom izbijaMrs Dalloway wrote:Moram biti smirena i sabrana na poslu, inače će me progutati aždaje

- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Sta mislite, oce li sutra bit lijep dan? Ja mislim da hoce i da me nece glava boljet 

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- laura
- levo smetalo
- Posts: 11687
- Joined: 08 Aug 2010, 22:50
- Location: otišla iz dalmacije
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Bio je lijep danAryanim wrote:Sta mislite, oce li sutra bit lijep dan? Ja mislim da hoce i da me nece glava boljet

40 godina života je starost za mlade, a 50 godina života je mladost za stare. (Victor Hugo)
- Instinct
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Koliko me nije bilo ovdje.. 

"Ali ipak uz mene se može, mada je neobično.
Sa mnom je čudno čak i umrijeti, jer ja se ne završavam. "
Sa mnom je čudno čak i umrijeti, jer ja se ne završavam. "
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Nisi jedina koje nije dugo biloInstinct wrote:Koliko me nije bilo ovdje..

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Ajde da i ova tema ude u novu godinu
jel ima zivih na ovom forumu? 

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
- vancouverite
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
Da li je mrtav ovaj forum, kamo sam zalazila prije mnogo godina?
O ucitelju... vrati mi klikere.....
D. Lukic
D. Lukic
- Lea
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Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)

Michelangelo Buonarroti "Kad pripadam tebi, tad konačno potpuno pripadam i samome sebi."
- Aryanim
- Alea iacta est!
- Posts: 7482
- Joined: 25 Feb 2010, 14:01
- Location: Zagorje
Re: Moja trenutna misao (srezano)
S vremena na vrijeme se neko pojavi, steta kaj nema i drugih
"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."
Because the moust beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart."